"The Permanent Tourist"
Becoming a Travel Writer

Take advantage of all the freelance opportunities for becoming a travel writer. Right now you could be getting paid to travel to a stretch of white powdery sand and rustling palm trees.

Explore the world and meet new people. And then make an income anywhere you choose to live.

Elements of Becoming a Travel Writer

Pack a few essentials and head out to discover the best places to live and play.

Then write about it. The most important thing is to build your collection of published clips. Editors want to make sure you can tell a story before they pay you for a piece on retiring in Tuscany.

Every day, people like you are doing just that. And making money. If you're just starting out, learn simple strategies to traveling cheap especially abroad. Use public transportation instead of renting a taxi whenever possible.

Travel Writing Tips

  • Start off in your own back yard. This is the fastest and cheapest road to becoming a travel writer.

  • Pocket a semi decent digital camera in a waterproof container or ziplock bag, plenty of sunscreen and mosquito repellent.
  • Save money by making your own natural mosquito repellent with 2 tablespoons of citronella oil and ½ cup of apple vinegar.
  • Take a sandwich and plenty of water. Have in mind anticipated length of time and temperature.
  • Keep a journal handy so you can jot down important notes you’ll want to use later.
  • Go canoeing. Most of us are not too far from a river or lake.
  • No water access? Then take advantage of those stunning sunsets or the way the light filters through the trees.
  • Take a few pictures of what stands out and write a 500 page article.
  • Set up a web site or blog with information that people just like you are searching for.

Resources for Becoming a Travel Writer

Backpack through Europe
You can also backpack through Europe for unlimited travel writing material. And experience what this special continent has to offer. Learn simple strategies that will make your adventure an unforgettable outlet for writing.

European travel is an experience not to be missed. And the opportunities and inspiration for writing are infinite. Learn easy to follow European travel tips to get around affordably and safely.

Writing is an integral part of becoming a travel writer. You must love it just as much as you love the thrill of travel. You may want to get your feet wet first by getting some published clips--even if it has nothing to do with traveling. Published clips get your foot in the door.

Learning the Train System in Europe
Learning how to travel Europe by train is a must for becoming a travel writer. It is very straightforward and organized. International travel throughout Europe is amazingly simple if you know the basics. Keep in mind that many cities have more than one train station. Find out how to get around before heading out.

When to Travel Europe by Car
To travel across Northern Europe, you will probably need a car. Super freeways are toll-free here. In Southern Europe you will need to pay tolls since most cities are easily navigated via buses and trains.

Check with European Travel Information for essentials on experiencing Europe by car.

More Opportunities
for Writing and Making Money

How to Become a Writer
Becoming a writer starts with the love of books. Begin by reading the good ones. You know which ones they are. Pay attention to how these authors write. How do they pull you in? How do they structure their words and sentences?

Writing for a Living
Opportunities abound...from becoming a freelance writer for magazines and websites to writing a romance novel. There are so many avenues from which to choose. But you have to make that first step.

Becoming a Freelance Writer
A freelance writer has the opportunity to make serious money. Begin by publishing articles in online publishing sites. Or start a blog. Then pitch your ideas to magazines, websites, and even other blogs. This is how you make a name for yourself and it is the essence of being a writer.

Return to Finding Your Passion

You now have a business. And it will provide the freedom to discover exotic destinations for free. And get paid for it.

Plus, since this is a business, your travel expenses can be tax deducted.

Get paid to travel. And then retire when you want and wherever you want. What have you got to lose? And what have you got to win?

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~B.C. Forbes

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